Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy sets out the personal data processing activities carried out by Patricio Martínez Maximià Torruella Arquitectura, S.L. (hereinafter "PMMT"), with registered office at C/Pamplona, nº 96-104, Local 2, 08018 Barcelona, Spain and tax identification number B64590201 through its website PMMT Arquitectura (hereinafter "Website").

This Privacy Policy is subject to the Terms and Conditions that regulate the Website and the user of the Website (hereinafter the "User") must accept this Privacy Policy in order to use any service offered through the Website (hereinafter the "Services") or providing any data through the Website.

In relation to the processing of personal data PMMT informs the User of the following: 


Basic information

All data provided by the User, when registering or when using any of the Services or entering personal data in any of the sections of the Website, are included in a database managed by PMMT. In this section we summarise the basic information about our privacy policy. In the following section, you will find more detailed information and, if you have any queries, you can contact

Responsible for the processing of your data: PMMT 

Purpose of the processing of your data:

  • Management of the relationship with our users.
  • Commercial prospecting and sending advertising of products and professional services for individuals..

Legitimacy of data treatment: Consent of the data’s owne

Recipients of data processing (to whom the data may be disclosed): There are no different recipients.

Rights of our users: Our users can access, rectify, delete their data, as well as other legally recognised rights. The procedure and requirements are detailed in the additional information.

Retention of your data: The data will be kept for the period the Services provided to our users and the period required by current legislation.


Additional information 

What personal data do we collect and how do we use it?

The data collected by PMMT through the Website are processed for the sole purpose of providing the Services requested by the User or to respond to their requests, doubts or questions raised by the User through the Website. In this respect, the data that PMMT collects and processes from the User are mainly identifying data, such as name, e-mail address or telephone number if the User prefers to be contacted by this means. PMMT processes all data and sends notifications to the User, without transferring, under any circumstances, any data to a third party, except when it is legally required or in the framework of the provision of its professional services.

PMMT may use third parties to carry out certain processing activities, in accordance with the strict instructions and principles set out in this Privacy Policy.

Therefore, the User consents to the processing of his/her data for these purposes, and if expressly accepted on the Website for the purpose of notifying the User, by e-mail or other electronic means, information about events, news, new activities or services related to PMMT Arquitectura.


How long do we keep our Users' data?

The data processing carried out by PMMT is carried out exclusively for the period of time necessary to provide the services, respond to the User's requests or, in the event that the User has requested to receive information, until the User unsubscribes from means of communication given. 


What are the Users’ rights when they provide us with their data? 

Users may exercise their right to access, rectify, cancel and oppose their personal data by making the corresponding request through or by writing to the registered office of PMMT, attaching the documentation required by current legislation and the User’s identification documentation if necessary.

Likewise, Users may submit, if appropriate, a complaint to the competent data protection supervisory authority in Spain. 


What security measures are applied to the data processing? 

PMMT guarantees that it will apply the security measures required by law to the files, taking into account the nature, context, purposes of the processing, etc. in order to keep the data duly protected and that it will use the data only for the purposes established in this Privacy Policy.


Cookies or other automated processing 

The PMMT website uses cookies and other files of similar functionality. Cookies are small data files that are sent to the User's computer, mobile phone or other access device when visiting a website and which allow information to be obtained relating to their browsing (whether technical or activity) or certain information that allows the user's equipment to be identified.

In the case of the PMMT website, it only uses technical cookies for the management of the site and the user's technical experience. In these sections, the User can configure their preferences for accepting cookies from the Website, as well as those of third parties located on the Website, if any. Users may revoke their consent to the use of cookies in their browser by following the instructions above as well as delete the cookies they do not want.

It is also important to remember that each browser manages its own cookies so that, if the User accesses through different browsers, he/she should configure each one to manage cookies according to his/her preferences.


PMMT reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy, notifying the User of such change through the same Website. PMMT will publish any changes or modifications on its Website and will advise the User to regularly consult the updated Privacy Policy.

If PMMT informs or applies specific privacy conditions to particular content, products and/or services, these prevail in case of conflict between them and this Privacy Policy.

In accordance with the provisions set out above, the User hereby authorises PMMT to process the User's personal data and expressly consents to the processing thereof for the purposes indicated.

This Privacy Policy is valid as of 25/05/2018.

We use our own and third-party cookies to make our website work safely and personalize its content. Likewise, we use cookies to measure and obtain data on your navigation and to adjust advertising to your tastes and preferences. Press the "Accept all" button to confirm that you have read and accepted the information presented. To manage or disable these cookies, click on "Configuration". For more information see our cookies policy.
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Technical and functional Always active
This website uses its own Cookies to collect information in order to improve our services. If you continue browsing, you accept their installation. The user has the possibility of configuring his browser, being able, if he so wishes, to prevent them from being installed on his hard drive, although he must bear in mind that such action may cause difficulties in navigating the website.
Analytics and personalization
They allow the monitoring and analysis of the behavior of the users of this website. The information collected through this type of cookies is used to measure the activity of the web for the elaboration of user navigation profiles in order to introduce improvements based on the analysis of the usage data made by the users of the service. They allow us to save the user's preference information to improve the quality of our services and to offer a better experience through recommended products.
Marketing and advertising
These cookies are used to store information about the preferences and personal choices of the user through the continuous observation of their browsing habits. Thanks to them, we can know the browsing habits on the website and display advertising related to the user's browsing profile.