Zero Energy Concept Building
Self-sufficient hospitals
A few years ago, the idea of travelling to Mars was science fiction. In a short space of time things have changed. There are currently four projects planned to travel to Mars in the coming decades, including NASA and SpaceX. Our advanced architecture firm has taken on the challenge of designing and building an energy self-sufficient hospital, capable of operating autonomously on the red planet.
The aim is to apply the results from this research project to the construction of hospitals in places of extreme conditions on our own planet: deserts, oceans, jungles, mountains, the Arctic or the Antarctic. Energy self-sufficient hospitals that can function as efficiently and effectively as possible despite their isolation from civilization.

From 31st December 2018, newly constructed public administration buildings will have to be highly energy efficient and the small amount of energy they consume will have to come, to a large extent, from renewable sources.
While the European Parliament and Council Directive sets the ‘20-20-20’ target*, PMMT's horizon is on Mars, and our main objective is to use all our knowledge to design hospitals and other buildings in the most inhospitable and remote corners of the Earth.
* The ‘20-20-20’ target proposes a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption and a 20% increase in the use of renewable energy.