Clínica Corachan Master Plan
Barcelona (Spain)
The Clínica Corachan Master Plan is the document that includes all the reflections of a collaborative process carried out between Clínica Corachan and PMMT. The initiatives set out in the document are the result of reflections resulting from our technical experience in the healthcare field and the strategies and requirements for growth projected by the Clinic during several working sessions. The different initiatives can be classified into three main areas: on the one hand, the definition of a new typological model of functional organisation, and on the other hand, the contribution of a new public image for the institution at both urban and user level, as well as adapting the distribution of the services to the new healthcare realities.
The Clear Code Architecture® method has been applied in the design and construction of the successive modifications that have been carried out in the clinic, in accordance with this Master Plan. Some examples of implementation range from the installation of adapted reception desks with a magnetic loop connected to the accessible itinerary; the design of waiting rooms with signposted spaces reserved for wheelchair users near the reception desk with furniture for everyone and an audiovisual warning system; the installation of podotactile flooring from the entrances to the main reception; the installation of adapted sanitary booths by service and the implementation of a 100% universal signage system that allows everyone to find their way around the building autonomously.