Barcelona (Spain)

Patricio Martínez
Maximià Torruella
Luis Gotor
Team director
Carla Cadavid
Brilten Inmobiliaria
On project

Junto al edificio de oficinas de Pamplona 106, constituyen un conjunto compositivo con chaflán a la calle Sancho de Ávila, colindando con el edificio de L’Orfebreria. De este edificio catalogado se recoge la materialidad pétrea en el acabado de la fachada de planta baja de ambos edificios. El testero del nuevo edificio incorpora vegetación, que actúa de filtro verde protegiendo del sol y dando intimidad respecto al edificio vecino.

The office building at 106 Pamplona also forms a compositional ensemble with a chamfered corner on Calle Sancho de Ávila, adjoining the L'Orfebreria building. The stone materials of this listed building can be seen on the finish of the ground floor façade of both buildings. The roof of the new building incorporates greenry, which serves as a green filter, protecting it from the sun and providing privacy from the neighbouring building.

On the office floor, an open-plan space of 12m in width is created. These work spaces are complemented by landscaped outdoor areas on terraces on the first and fourth floors. On the ground floor the main access to the building is through an outdoor porch that connects to the private courtyard, where the greenery is the protagonist. 

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